About the Atlas…
This aetheric document is a collection of descriptions of the lesser-known Cloud-Islands, cultures, nations, peoples, and creatures of the World of the 7 Skies, collected from the logbooks and memoirs of Captain Froederik Wiki.
Over the years, he has added the observations and recollections of numerous other famed skysailors, pirates, and adventurers. The reason for this is simple: the World is large — no one correspondent could hope to see it all.
Perhaps, if you are one of those well-travelled sorts, you will see your way clear to adding to this archive — both for your own fame and renown, as well as to inform and entertain the reader.
Table of Contents
There are several sections to Captain Wiki's Swashbuckling Atlas:
- Rare Fauna: Uncommon creatures of the 7 Skies or the Islands.
- Rare Flora: New botanical discoveries of the 7 Skies or the Islands.
- Rare Minerals, Metals, & Gems: Valuable mineral resources of the 7 Skies or the Islands.
- Cloud-Islands: Cloud-Islands — be they Major, Minor, or hitherto undiscovered — and their undiscussed aspects and nature (geographical, political, cultural, et al.).
- The Arcane: Mysteries and magic from the farthest reaches of the Great Sky.
- Religious Texts & Practices: Church rituals and dogma, along with heathen beliefs.
- Skysailing Lore: Wisdom gleaned from grizzled old hands and ships' logbooks.
- Arts Martial: Information on the delicate arts of mayhem, via fencing, firearms, and warfare.
- New Maps, Charts, & Illustrations: For those contributors with an artistic bent.
- Notable Individuals: Important or interesting people travelers should be aware of.
- Notable Groups and Factions: Important or interesting groups travelers should be aware of.
- Renowned Locations: Places that every traveler wishes to visit, just to say they have.
- Famed Vessels & Fortresses: Famous (or infamous) skyships and fortresses of the Great Sky.
- Gossip, Rumors, & Stories: Anything from old legends to current events to bald-faced imprecations.
- Gallimaufry: Materials that do not easily fit into any of the above categories.
Begin your exploration of the wonders described herein anywhere!