Gossip, Rumors, & Stories

Gossip, rumor, myth, legend, and other stories are a vast part of the World.

How much fact can be found within these tales?


Most of these tales come without attribution, so beware!

General Rumors

  • A new star has appeared in the Uttermost Night. Astronomers are duelling across the whole World in order to win the right to name it!

Barathi Rumors

  • The Empress is said to have a weak spot with regard to widows.
  • House Fuliginosus has made an attack (via complex morganti contracts) against House Ornithorhynchus. Millions of ducats are on the line in this merger!
  • The word from the crew of the [[Damnsell]] is a new warship was spotted in the skies off Viridia. Though travelling within a fearsome storm front, its appeared undercrewed, lacked normal rigging and was instead born aloft by the thunderbolts of the storm. Strange though it was, it's hull was clad in wix, so probably some art of an Arch-Koldun made it fly.

Colronan Royalist Rumors

  • A Kroyu vault from the War of Colronan Independence is said to have been been recently found in Passionfruit Valley, simply stuffed with remarkable treasures and items! (Of course, there is a curseā€¦)

Colronan Zultanista Rumors

  • Colronan Sandmen have been seen in force on Arbol in recent weeks.

Crailese Rumors

  • It is said that the Deraad Valeria of Crail takes lovers indiscriminately.
  • A delegation of Crailese (all ethnic Kroyu) are petitioning the Commandant to form a corporation to locate a suitable Minor Island for colonization.
  • A whisper in the inns of Crail is The Winter Fortress was spotted in the Sky of Stones.

Extant information on the Commandant can be found in S7S, p. 65.

Ilwuzi Rumors

  • See the Leatherwing.
  • The Clocklight is wearing down, and an Ilwuzi Congress has determined that the best candidate to repair it must be brought to Ilwuz in all haste! Be warned, mechanics, alchemists, and koldun!
  • They say the Clocklight warns when the Transition occurs, but it doesn't, it makes the Transition, I swear, I overheard him talking about it. It's bloody Koldun craft ain't it?! Ah, bugger-me, don't tell anyone I told you though, right, or I'll end up swimming the cerulean for sure. You know how he is?!

Extant information on the Clocklight can be found in S7S, p. 65.

  • The Dread Pirate Radu has been transformed into a raptor-type of lizard about the size of a squirrel, with a fondness for beef jerky.

Extant information on the Dread Pirate Radu can be found in S7S, p. 67 and 69-70.

Kroyu Rumors

  • See the Leatherwing.
  • A delegation of Crailese (all ethnic Kroyu) are petitioning the Commandant to form a corporation to locate a suitable Minor Island for colonization.
  • The Students of the Skies are little more than graverobbers and treasure hunters hoping to rob the treasures of lost Kroy.

Sha-Ku Rumors

  • See the Leatherwing.
  • The color orange is in fashion this season!

Viridese Rumors

  • A monstrous creature known as "the Varlok Fek" is said to haunt the highlands near Moonhammer Freehold.

Minor Island Rumors

  • Colronan Sandmen have been seen in force on Arbol in recent weeks.
  • The black wine of Esskay is made from the distilled blood of adulterers and adulteresses.
  • All Gameshi knives are poisoned.

Stories & Tales


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